Friday, June 10, 2011

Sammy & Aaron at home

5/8/04 – Well, it is becoming pretty comfortable here with the boys and we are getting into a routine. We are worn out and so that we can each get a few hours of sleep at night, we each take a shift. Tony really does his part and is good about taking over when he comes home from work.

5/10 – Sammy and Aaron both saw the pediatrician today. Aaron now weighs 7lbs and Sammy weighs 6lbs. Aaron really put on weight while he was home those 13 days before Sammy. Also, being on oxygen means Sammy will burn more calories breathing so he will probably not gain weight quite as quickly as Aaron. But both are doing great and still only getting breast milk. I am still pumping more than they eat and even freezing several bottles still each day. Aaron eats about 2oz every 2 hours and Sammy eats about 1.5oz every 2 hrs. They were both circumsized today, got all their immunizations and also their first round of RSV synergis. Tony had to work so I took the boys to all their appts by myself and I am pretty worn out. It wasn’t as rough as I thought it would be though and the boys did great. I watched the circumcisions and it was pretty wild….hard to watch, but interesting. Their pediatrician, Dr. Thornburg did the procedure. He’s a young guy, probably our age, but seems to be good.

5/18 – Great Granny and Basil came to visit. We had a great time and Grandma was such a big help. Little Sammy tends to spit up a lot, eats slower and has to be burped frequently and Grandma really got good at feeding him.

6/1 – Brenna is off to her dad’s for the summer. She has been such a big help. I will miss her :o( but I know she is going to have fun with the Mayos and her new twin sisters.

6/8 – Appt. with the pulminologist today. Good news, Sammy gained 2lbs in the last month and Aaron gained 3!!! The Dr. was in disbelief of Aaron’s weight gain and very happy with Sammy’s since O2 babies tend to not gain as well. Aaron is 10lbs and Sammy is 9lbs. Also, Sammy is ready to come off the O2. He must undergo a sleep study first.

6/16 – Sammy’s sleep study was today at 9am. Breana is visiting and helping with the babies so she and Tony stayed home with Aaron while Sammy and I went to the hospital to sleep! The sleep study went well. We were there until 5pm and seemed to get him to sleep enough for the monitoring. It was a very intricate study and, in my opinion, most of it was unnecessary since all they monitored in the NICU was pulse oxygen level. And while I was there Sammy’s never dropped below 93%. I was told by the sleep study technician that they are short handed and that the study will generate 70+ pages of info that must be deciphered and given to the pulminologist before a decision is made. WHATEVER!! I saw what I needed to see and am not going to keep him on the O2 longer than he needs to be. I talked with Baba Dan and he agrees so Sammy is now off the O2.

6/28, 29 & 30 – The boys slept 8 hrs for 3 nights in a row!! They are now eating every 3 hours during the day and it would be great if this sleep pattern was permanent. Their corrected age is about 6 wks so hopefully it won’t be long before they sleep through the night.

7/1 – Pediatrician appt today. Sammy weighs 10.2lbs and Aaron weighs 11.3lbs. They got their 2nd round of immunizations and also their PKU test. It was done in the NICU, but since they were on antibiotics at the time, it had to be redone to make sure the results were accurate. They were exhausted from crying and slept the rest of the day. This of course meant they were up most of the night :o(

7/9 – Monthly Pulminologist appt today. I told the Dr. I took Sammy off the O2 back on the 16th and was not happy that I had heard NOTHING from them since the study was done. She told me what I already knew, that the sleep study came back normal. She said I should have talked with them before taking him off the O2 and I let her know that I had called their office 4 times, got the voice mail every time and left 2 messages. Then I asked her why they hadn’t contacted me. No answer. This was the first time we saw Dr. Contreras. I like Dr. Favario much better. They got their monthly synergis and Sammy weighed 10.10 and Aaron weighed 11.6. Sammy is gaining on Aaron and has done so well since being off the oxygen. $60 copay for each time they see this Dr.

7/23/04 - I have pumped for the last time. It's been hard pumping for 5 months with one side doing all the work and it will be a relief for my body to get back to normal. I have a lot of breast milk frozen and it should last another month or two. I will probably supplement with formula so they can get breast milk even longer. I really attribute their health to the breast milk. They haven't had so much as a cough or fever since they were born.

8/7 – Both boys slept 11 hours!!! That is the longest ever! Let’s see if it continues.

8/11 - Sammy is my little talker. He just loves to put his hands together and go on an and oohing and awing. Aaron is my little “tuffy”. He already holds his head up so good and always try to sit up when he is on his boppy lounger. They both laugh all the time and love to play with sissy.

8/19 – Monthly RSV shots. Both boys cried for only a second right when the shot was given. Aaron weighs 14.4 lbs and Sammy weighs 14 lbs.

8/21/04 – It’s been 2 weeks and the boys are still sleeping about 10 hrs….9pm – 7am usually. Every once in a while one may wake up to eat, but for the most part they are down for the night! They then have a long morning nap from about 10am until 12pm. After that, they are awake almost all day long except for a few cat naps…..2 or 3 that last about 45 mins. And of course, they never nap at the same time. Oh well, at least we can get a good night’s sleep….it makes all the difference in the world. And they really are good, sweet babies. They also eat like little maniacs all day long like they are playing catch-up. They eat 4-6oz every 2-3 hrs during the day.

8/23/04 – Aaron rolled over today….from back to front and then front to back. Sammy watched and still has no desires to try. He’s going take it easy for as long as possible! ;o) They are both mama’s boys, but lately Sammy has become really needy for me. This can be quite difficult when I really need help and Daddy and Brenna aren't able to console him. Hopefully, it's just a temporary thing.

8/27/04 - Sam & Aaron are 6 months old, 3.5 months corrected age

8/31/04 - Today was a rough day. For some reason the boys would not take their long morning nap! So they were basically crying and eating ALL day long. Tony and Brenna came home at 3pm. I handed the babies over to them and went for a little drive...I was worn out. Tony and Brenna didn't ask any questions ;o) Then I took a nap and got my 2nd wind around 7pm. Tony and I bathed and fed them and they were sound asleep by 8:15.

posted by Bevin @ 8:34 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 30, 2004

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